Muchísimas gracias por compartir este buen juego, me ha gustado mucho la atmósfera de terror que se vive dentro de la casa, pero cuando te encuentras con tu padre es sencillamente genial, espero que hayas conseguido asustar a tu esposa tanto como a mí, has hecho un gran trabajo Will, por eso te doy 5 estrellas que bien te las mereces, saludos!!!
Hi, for some reason the opening screen doesn't show the options like start, setting etc. It just shows the title and the outside of the house. I thought maybe pressing W,A,S,D might dive me into the game but that doesn't work too. Maybe it's a bug or possibly something on my end
my screen resolution is 1024x768. Thanks for taking the time to resolve the issue, i'm looking forward to playing the game when the problem is taken care of
Thanks for the info! I think I know the issue but won't be able to fix it until after the holidays. For anyone interested in the issue: I'm rendering to a 16:9 texture at a very low resolution that I then stretch to fit the screen. This only works properly for 16:9 displays. I will fix when I can! Thanks again for the bug report ❤️
appeared to be running really well, only thing is that my mouse sensitivity was really low, other than that yeah when seeing your family members all together was.... 😶
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You are cool! Thanks for playing <3
Gran juego, Muchas gracias!
Gran vídeo! Gracias por jugar!
gracias por jugar! ¡Feliz navidad!
Gracias por las amables palabras! Disfruté tu vídeo. Os deseo felices vacaciones! (Perdón por el mal español)
Merry Christmas!!!
Great game. Was the perfect length, and that basement scare was soooo good.
Great video, loved the editing! And an excellent stairway juke 👌
Thanks for playing 🙌
I'm glad I didn't let those gingerbread cookies go to waste. Great game!!!
Thank you!!! Glad you liked the cookies, they were home made!!!
Hi, for some reason the opening screen doesn't show the options like start, setting etc. It just shows the title and the outside of the house. I thought maybe pressing W,A,S,D might dive me into the game but that doesn't work too. Maybe it's a bug or possibly something on my end
Hi! Sorry that happened! Could you share your screen resolution with me? I'll be looking into it. Thanks for giving it a try!
my screen resolution is 1024x768. Thanks for taking the time to resolve the issue, i'm looking forward to playing the game when the problem is taken care of
Thanks for the info! I think I know the issue but won't be able to fix it until after the holidays. For anyone interested in the issue: I'm rendering to a 16:9 texture at a very low resolution that I then stretch to fit the screen. This only works properly for 16:9 displays. I will fix when I can! Thanks again for the bug report ❤️
Thanks so much for playing. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Merry Christmas!!!!
appeared to be running really well, only thing is that my mouse sensitivity was really low, other than that yeah when seeing your family members all together was.... 😶
Yo!! Thanks for playing! There is a sensitivity slider in the settings menu but it still might not be fast enough. Great video!
Daddy noooo
Thanks so much for playing!!! ☃️
Good game!
Ha awesome, thanks for playing! My wife also groaned at the laundry lol
But it's Christmas Daddy 😭🎅🎄😱
I laughed, I screamed, I sung carols of christmas fear. Ho ho ho