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I had fun playing this!! Check it out!

Thanks for playing!!! Loved your reactions lmao. Merry Christmas!

The game is very scary and I liked reading all the names. Very good Christmas horror game.

Very creepy little Christmas horror game ! The atmosphere was really good and I didnt mind the chase at all . Its just the sound of that snow crunching was terrible !! Happy Holidays! 

great game! perfect for xmas
(1 edit)

Fun game! Daddy was up to no good this year 🤣Seriously the cookies were tasty lol Merry Christmas! [Second game]

Honestly a really fun game to play and it had some really good scares that freaked me out!

it really is the best christmas horror game ever

plus for brutallity

my opinon: it's too great


the gore in this game was CRAZY good game bro i was pretty scared LOL

I found this to be a fun little indie game here was my perspective!

It was a fun and creepy game i hate being chased after. Also interested in what the accident was tho  

Que buen juego el margen de mejora no existe realmente hicieron un buen trabajo se agradece por el juego, ver como el padre hizo todo eso a su familia da un sentido de porque hizo la cena hasta da miedete ir ya a la cena navideña hoy buen trabajo equipo 5/5

Buen juego navideño me gusto mucho dejo mi Gameplay español 


Sin duda de los mejores juegos de terror navideños, espero que sigas creando mas juegos

(2 edits)

your game was a blast! I had so much fun playing it, and I got jumpscared several times as well lol definitely recommend it (the gameplay is in the second part of this video tho)

no seriously, what happened to him? What was the accident? lol I loved the build up to the jumpscare and the final scene

You're a mean one, Mr. Pyle. First time I think jumpscares actually deserved it because of how good the setup was. Really nice stuff.

This game made the necks on the back of my hair stand up! Despite all the horror and gore, at its core this game displayed what Christmas is all about; spending time with family… now who’s your daddy?

This was an odd creepy one for sure.

I enjoyed it.

It was fun.

Decent game, Crazy name tho lol

when he slammed the door open and i started running it said confront your dad and i was like i think were passed that haha. good game!

Thanks for playing! Loved the video! Sensitivity options are in the settings menu!

Brother. When that door opens. Man. Well, let's just say I need new underwear.

👀 Glad you enjoyed brother! Sorry about the underwear.

Interesting horror game. Great tense moments. 

very good game!

almost broke my monitor at the end. 

The creepiness was great, and the payoff to opening the door was worth it. Fantastic tension throughout the game.

buen juego para la fecha

Short but not bad at all for what this was! Made a video on it.

it was a nice game

nice game 


I felt the spirit of Christmas Terror with this one - superb job mate! 

The game had a real personal touch, which reminded me of my first time working on a game and having a voice over. I asked my wife to voice a character in a game as well, long time ago and that support feels amazing. I can't complain about this game, no issues whatsoever, just a chilling, masterfully crafted experience - solid game.

Best of luck with the future projects and Merry Christmas! 


Thanks so much for playing and the kind words! My wife and I wish you a very merry Christmas! Loved your video!!! Thanks!!!🎄☃️

Awww, that's so nice man! Thank you a lot! Likewise! And thanks for the follow. Merry Christmas ☃☃☃

This has everything I want from a simple Christmas horror game. Well done dev, and Happy Holidays!

This was so much fun :) Thanks dev and Merry Christmas!

what was the point of the leaning?

This is a great question. I actually moved over a character controller form another project that has a lot more controls (crouch, sprint, an inventory system, etc) and removed most of the pieces of it for this simpler project. But, I left the leaning in because my wife liked it! In terms of general player experience I should have probably removed it and used 'E' as the interaction button instead of LMB.

yea, i mean other than that its a great game would definitely love to see more horror work from you

Thanks so much!! 🎄

Fantastic game! The story was incredibly engaging and kept me hooked from start to finish!

Thanks for playing!!! Black cats are GOATED

Very fun Christmas horror my dude! Solid all around, I really liked the background music and soundscape. I was not expecting any of that, now that's how you get some scares in! That ending was great, I got away first try! I enjoyed and recommend this completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everyone :)

Glad you liked it! Merry Christmas! Glad you got away!


This Was Awesome


☃️Loved your video! Thanks so much for playing! ⛄


good game loved it :D 

Have a merry Christmas! Thanks for playing, nice video!

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